11 ways to find ideas for a new business

11 ways to find ideas for a new business

Tara Roskell Published on 4/19/2024

Are you looking for an idea for a new business, but don’t know which one yet? Here are some suggestions to get you thinking and thinking creatively. Take a look at the options below and you’ll soon have a wide range of ideas to choose from.

1.Pay attention to problems or things that turn your nose up at them.

You’ve probably heard that the most forward-looking business ideas are those that solve people’s problems. So why not start with your own personal problems or those of people you know? The key is to start noticing the things that bother you. But how exactly do you do that? One option is to think back over the past day and ask yourself a few simple questions.

What did I do today?

List some of the things you did and ask yourself:

  • What did I notice about the things I did?
  • What bothered me and what were the problems?
  • In what ways could I solve these problems?

Also, think about the people you talked to and the problems they encountered.

For example, imagine that a friend commented on how expensive it was to take a cab or Uber home after a night out. You might note this and think about how to solve the problem. One way might be to create a credit-based ride exchange app. With this, for example, you would pick up your friend at the end of his or her night and on another night someone else would do the same for you. You could sell the app or monetize it through sponsorships. For every problem there is a solution, you just have to figure it out.

2.Always carry a notebook with you

It sounds trivial, but always carry a small notebook with you or use an app on your phone. The flash of genius might catch you suddenly, and that’s when you need to be ready to jot it down before it slips away. If you don’t, you are likely to forget it. Keeping a notebook next to the bed is a good idea since ideas often come to us as the conscious part of the brain relaxes and our subconscious takes over.

3.Think about the things you like to do. What is missing in those areas?

What hobbies or activities do you do in your spare time? Write down the different aspects of those areas. For example, let’s assume that you like to draw and paint. In order to practice your hobby you need materials and equipment, as well as knowing how to use them (training). But is there something that you think is missing or hard to find? Perhaps you would like to meet other bird painting artists in your area or online. You could set up a meeting at a particular location and make some money from it. Or if there is artwork that you can’t get easily, you could get in touch with the manufacturer and start selling it. Maybe you could source and sell other products as well.

4.Set yourself a goal of coming up with 5 ideas a day.

Train your mind by setting yourself the goal of processing 5 ideas a day. To make it easier, you can think of topics such as “5 service agencies I could start” or “5 ways to put my IT skills to use and make money.”

5.Teach what you know

What skills or knowledge do you have that other people would like to learn? Are you a whiz at Excel, good at guitar or languages? You could start by teaching what you know. There are many ways to do this-from in-person tutoring to one-on-one online classes to creating a video course. You don’t even have to create a website to do many of these things. Several platforms such as Udemy and Skillshare will host your courses for you. If you are able to do the marketing yourself, you could use a service like Teachable. You don’t have to focus on one course, you can build an entire business focused on teaching your knowledge in the round.

6.Turn a hobby into a business

We’ve already talked about filling gaps in the areas of your hobbies and teaching what you know, but are there other ways in which you can monetize your passions? You could organize events, sell merchandise or even your own creations (crafts), perhaps create a useful brand for other people. For example, if you are passionate about martial arts, you could “brand” bags, t-shirts or other products to the delight of other martial arts fans.

7.Analyze companies and products found in other countries

Have you been to another country and seen a product or service you love that doesn’t exist in Italy? Maybe it has to do with food, art, or a new trend. Whatever it is, is there a way to introduce it in your country and sell it?

8.Find ways to save people time or money.

If there is one thing people are willing to spend money on, it is definitely something that saves them time or money. Is there a service you could offer in this regard? It could be about organizing a decorating or cleaning business, something that is easy to book and use. Or, instead of developing the business itself, you could create the platform with which to facilitate booking services.

9.Develop existing ideas

Do you like a product or service but there are one or two elements that are not working as you would like? Maybe you could improve it or come up with an additional service. If you look on Amazon, most products will have reviews. Even higher quality products can have negative reviews. What are the negative aspects that people are complaining about? Is there a way to improve them? Do the same thing by analyzing user reviews of other businesses or services.

10.Trending and inspirational websites

Another source of inspiration for your ideas are websites such as https://www.trendhunter.com/. TrendHunter is divided into sections such as technology, culture, business, environment, lifestyle, etc. It presents the most interesting news that characterizes these areas. This website is a must for finding inspiration. Of course you can start with a great idea and make it a spin-off or otherwise a smaller version.

Other similar sites are:

11.Go to a “Startup Weekend”

What better way to brainstorm ideas for a business than to get together with other people who want to do the same thing. Search for Startup Weekend scheduled in the city nearest you. During Startup Weekends, participants present their ideas and everyone votes for the best ideas. After that, teams are formed and try to bring the idea to fruition by the end of the weekend. It could also be a stimulus for new ideas.

Remember to jot down any ideas you come up with, whether good or bad. It is possible that you may be able to match some of those ideas together in the future to create something exciting.