Motivational phrases and work: a push to do better

Motivational phrases and work: a push to do better

Redaktionen Redaktionen Published on 4/19/2024

Motivational phrases at work: a push to achieve new goals

In our work life, as well as in our personal life, we do not always have 100% battery power. Every now and then we feel exhausted, we feel like that project is too big for us, our employees work with little conviction, the team is not united, we no longer feel like a “capable leader.” We understand that the company needs to take that extra leap to remain competitive, but that leap we cannot make. We feel, in short, unmotivated.

At times like these, when we want to regain that energy that moves things along, some food for thought can help us bring new life. Here you will find 32 phrases about success, commitment and teamwork that can help you gather enthusiasm and motivation: read them, print them out and hang them on your office walls, write them on post-it notes and wallpaper your office, send them to your co-workers. They may help you regain the momentum to take the plunge.

8 phrases to increase commitment

“If you give your best in this moment, in the next moment you will be in the most advantageous position” Oprah Winfrey, TV host.

“I always try to do what I am not able to do, to learn how to do it” Pablo Picasso, artist.

“We know what needs to be done: all that is lacking is the will to do it” Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa.

“Always do more than what others expect of you” Larry Page, entrepreneur and co-founder of Google.

“Timing, perseverance and ten years of trying will make it look like you achieved success overnight” Biz Stone, entrepreneur and co-founder of Twitter.

“The best preparation for tomorrow is to do your best today” H. Jackson Brown Jr., writer.

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day by day” Robert Collier, essayist.

“Great opportunities are missed by most people because they are dressed in suits and look like work.” Thomas Alva Edison, inventor.

8 phrases to instill courage

“And most important of all, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. Somehow they know what you really want to become” Steve Jobs, entrepreneur.

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm” Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

“All human beings are entrepreneurs, not because they should start a business, but because the will to create is encoded in the human DNA” Reid Hoffman, entrepreneur, co-founder of LinkedIn, author.

“Don’t give up. You would risk it an hour before the miracle” Arabic proverb.

“If you only work on what you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a genius plan on how things will develop” Mark Zuckerberg, entrepreneur and founder of Facebook.

“I have failed many times in life. And that’s why I eventually won everything” Michael Jordan, president of the Charlotte Hornets and former basketball player.

“Fall seven times, get up eight” Japanese proverb.

“I am convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is merely perseverance” Steve Jobs, entrepreneur.

8 phrases to encourage teamwork

“If you want to go fast, run alone. If you want to go far, run together with someone” African proverb.

“If everyone goes forward together, then success comes by itself” Henry Ford, entrepreneur and co-founder of Ford Motor Company.

“Never doubt that a small group of caring and committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

“No matter how much a man may do, no matter how engaging his personality may be, he will not make much headway in business unless he is able to work with others” John Craig, mathematician and theologian.

“On an individual level, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean” Ryūnosuke Satoro, Japanese writer.

“The great thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side” Margaret Carty, writer and executive director of Maryland Library Association.

“My business model is the Beatles: they were four guys who kept each other’s negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other out. And the result was greater than the sum of the parts. That to me is business. Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people” Steve Jobs, entrepreneur.

“With talent you win games, but it is with teamwork and intelligence that championships are won” Michael Jordan, president of the Charlotte Hornets and former basketball player.

8 phrases to stimulate enthusiasm

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” Socrates, philosopher.

“Make the most of your potential, turn small sparks of possibility into flames of achievement” Golda Meir, former prime minister of Israel.

“The only limit to our realization tomorrow will be our doubts today” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States.

“There are those who want something to happen, those who wish it to happen, and those who work to make it happen” Michael Jordan, president of the Charlotte Hornets and former basketball player.

“If you can dream it, you can do it” Walt Disney, animator.

“What do you need to launch a business? Three things: you know your product better than anyone, you know your customers, and you want with all of yourself to succeed” Dave Thomas, entrepreneur and founder of Wendy’s.

“Twenty years from now you won’t be disappointed in the things you did but in the things you didn’t do. So raise anchor, abandon safe harbors, catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain, writer.

“There is a motive force stronger than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will” Albert Einstein, physicist.

Did some of these phrases seem to speak to you? Then jot them down in your planner, print them on company gadgets, share them with your team. Reread them when you need to, pause to reflect on their meaning, put their teaching into practice. Sometimes, saying or reading the right words can trigger the spring that brings our motivation back. To come back stronger and more determined than before!