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Business Card Holder
Instead of having business cards scattered across your shop counter or desk, keep them neat and tidy in this specially designed business card holder, made of clear plastic. Lightweight and compact, it shows off the contents in full, giving your cards the maximum possible visibility.

Transparent Business Card Holder: Lightness for Maxi Visibility
Are you looking for an affordable and effective way to display your new business cards on your shop counter or at your exhibition stand? At Pixartprinting, we offer transparent business card holders with a sleek and minimalist design. Made from clear styrene, a sturdy yet lightweight plastic material, these holders ensure maximum visibility of your cards. Even when placed inside the holder, your business cards remain fully visible.
Our desk business card holders measure 9.5 x 5.4 x 1.9 cm, accommodating cards arranged either horizontally or vertically while maintaining their stability.
Order Your New Transparent Business Card Holders in Just a Few Clicks!
Ordering business card holders from Pixartprinting is quick and easy: simply select the quantity and desired delivery date in just a few clicks. Don’t forget that ordering larger quantities means a reduced unit price. Thanks to our free instant quote, you can view the final price of the holders directly on the page.
Once your purchase is complete, your product will be delivered promptly to your office. With your new holders, you’ll have all the tools you need to effectively showcase your promotional messages!
Transparent Business Card Holders and More from Pixartprinting
Pixartprinting also offers printed business cards that fit perfectly with these holders. For an elegant setup, pair your business card holder with our stylish countertop displays .